"Progress would be wonderful - if only it would stop." ROBERT MUSIL
Ayoub, un héros de mon temps
Published on February 24, 2005 By GarAmud In Home & Family

Parce qu’on lui a acheté un burnous, un saroual, un turban noir en mousseline et une paire de babouches, Ayoub un garçon de 10 ans, s’était cru en possession du gear complet pour faire Batman. Alors il s’était offert un saut périlleux depuis le premier étage. Il croyait qu’un matelas douillet, renforcé de quelques couettes lui permettraient un atterrissage sans trop de mal. A l’essai: il a atterri à côté et a été évacué en urgence vers une clinique de la ville. On le fit jurer d’abjurer et Batman et tout ce qui a trait à Batman. L’enfant semblait avoir appris la leçon et promettait d’être sage le restant de ses jours


Comme promis, il a mis de côté le maudit kit de Batman et n’en parlait plus au grand soulagement de ses parents. La semaine d’après, sa maman le surprit dans sa plus parfaite expression, nu donc, s’apprêtant à caracoler un arbre.


-qu’est-ce que tu mijotes là  encore ? L’interpelle sa maman

-rien ! lui dit-il, l’autre jour j’ai fait Batman, maintenant je vais jouer à … Mowgli

on Feb 24, 2005
I don't think you can blame Batman for the kid being dumb enough to pull that stunt.

I remember when Superman: The Movie first came out some dumb kid tied a sheet around his neck and tried to fly out the window. He wasn't as lucky as your little friend. Can't blame Christopher Reeve for that can you?

on Feb 24, 2005
Il a bien raison, c'est plus sûre.
L'intelligence d'un enfant me surprendra toujours. (rire)
on Feb 24, 2005
As a longtime Batman fan, I'd reply if I could speak French. But....
Going by what Gene Nash said, I think it's ridiculous to lay the blame for any stupid stunt anyone does at the door of a fictional character or its creator/publishers. If a kid hurt him/herself doing something Batman or Superman did, perhaps we should ask where the parents were, or why the kid was never taught the difference between comic book/movie fantasy and reality. it's common sense. I mean, when I was a little kid, I used to wrap a towel around my neck and play on the rope swing out back, pretending I was Batman or Superman, but I never let go and tried to fly. i knew what would happen.
Same with pro wrestling...remember that kid who was killed by his neighbor a few years back becuase they were doing wrestling moves in the backyard? Stupidity all around. Where were mom and dad?
on Feb 24, 2005
I can't read french, either, and I'm too lazy to babbelfish this (and scared of what it might spit out at me).

However, there was some incident where a kid ignited himself after soaking his clothes in gasoline, and then jumped off a roof. Tried to emulate the Fantastic Four's Human Torch; instead, he immolated ... well, himself.
They removed the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four cartoon the next time they put one out; they replaced him with H.E.R.B.I.E. the robot.
on Feb 25, 2005
If I were inclined to sue Marvel Comics and get rich, maybe I'd dip myself in silver paint and try to ride a surfboard off my roof. If I were inclined to sure J.K. Rowling, maybe I'd grab a broomstick and jump off a cliff. It goes on and on...there are lots of stupid people out there, and some not-so-stupid who are willing to act/look stupid if it could get them a big settlement.
on Feb 25, 2005
safdiyi l' e-mail nnek achkou jliht!!!
slam ailkem koullu l3aila
on Feb 25, 2005
safdiyi l' e-mail nnek achkou jliht!!!
slam ailkem koullu l3aila

on Feb 25, 2005
Si tout le monde ce met à parler japonnais je vais être obligé d'apprendre
on Feb 26, 2005
(I'd have responded in French -- I suppose that would be the polite thing to do -- but you don't want to see me trying to conjugate verbs. Of course, you don't want to see me trying to type Japanese, either, Lilou-san. )

To the non-French reading people happening through, basically this 10 year old kid decided to try some Batman-like acrobatics and missed the mattress he had set-up to catch his fall. They rushed him to the local clinic where he's patched up and forced to take an anti-Batman pledge.

The cute part is the end where the Mother finds the kid naked and about to climb a tree. "What?! You're doing it again?!" she yells, convinced he's fallen off the Batman wagon. "Nah," he responds, "I was Batman yesterday, today I'm Mowgli!"

So, I guess when he falls out of the tree and breaks his neck we can loath Walt Disney. Rudyard Kipling?

(To the purists, yes, I know the dialogue isn't literal, but the literal translation read awkwardly in English. This is close enough and it sounds good. )
on Feb 26, 2005
Même avec les vieux souvenir je suis une incapables des langues étrangères, mon prof d'anglais touvé que kje parlais anglais comme une vache espagnole je pense que c'est ce qui m'a définitivement décider à stopper mes pauvres essais.
Donc désolée pour toi mais je n'ai pas compris ta réponse.
Le terme "japonnais" c'est juste un peu de dérision face à ma nullité si tu l'as mal pris je m'en excuse .
on Feb 26, 2005
Ikhssat a isker Zembla!!!